Certification Unit for Heat Systems - C.U.H.S.
Certification Unit for Heat Systems (CUHS) & Notified in European Union as a Certification Body of Hot Water Boilers, which from 27/03/2003 has been accredited from the Hellenic Accreditation System E.SY.D, according to the European Standard ELOT EN 45011:1998 “General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems”.
CUHS has taken an Accreditation Certificate with number 127-4 with valid date 26 March 2015, which is in valid if the evaluation is successful at the annual surveillance by ESYD.
CUHS has also been recognized as a Notified Body in the European Union with identification number CE 0617, with scope the granting of the “CE” marking, for hot water boilers supplied with liquid or gaseous fuels.
Note: CUHS is the unique Greek body which has a testing laboratory for hot water boilers.
During the evaluation, among others, the quality assurance system followed by the CUHS, the technical competence and continuing education of qualified personnel, the suitability and the calibration of equipment and the laboratory performance of the CUHS, are evaluated.
The scope of CUHS is granting of the "CE" marking, for hot water boilers supplied with liquid and gaseous fuel (mandatory sector), and the control of energy efficiency and quality exhaust gas (control concentration of gaseous pollutants and suspended solid particles) for hot water boilers supplied with solid fuel (voluntary sector and/or according to the National Legislative Regulations).
The above services are to meet the requirements specified:
1. Mandatory Sector, according to the PD 335/93 (G.G. 143/Α/93) & PD 59/95 (G.G. 46/Α/95) in line with Directive 92/42/EEC, as modified from: Directive 2005/32/EC & PD 32/10 (G.G. 70/14-05-10), Directive 2008/28/EC, Directive 2009/125/EC & PD 7/11 (G.G. 14/Α/11-02-2011).
2. Voluntary Sector, according to the Ministerial Decision Prot. Nu. EC.: 189533 [G.G. 2654/Β/9-11-11]: «Regulation of issues relating to the operation of fixed furnaces for heating buildings and water».
In addition to the supplied services CUHS has expended its scope in the following:
a. Control of the installation study of cogeneration units Electricity and Heat (CEH) according to the Δ5-ΗΛ/Γ/Φ1/749 (2012) MD.
b. Control of CEH units and granting certificate of conformity towards the fulfillment of the measuring devices and marking of the units, of the specifications established in Article 4 of the ministerial decision Δ6/Φ1/οικ.8786 ΦΕΚ Β΄ 646/ 14.05.2010 and the ministerial decision Δ5−ΗΛ/Γ/Φ1/οικ.15641 ΦΕΚ Β΄ 1420/15.07.2009 and that the determination of the boundaries of the system and the measurement points fulfill the specifications of the ministerial decisions Δ5−ΗΛ/Γ/Φ1/οικ.15641 ΦΕΚ Β΄ 1420/15.07.2009 και Δ6/Φ1/οικ.8786 ΦΕΚ Β΄ 646/14.05.2010.
c. Conducting Certification, Verification and Inspection of CEH units according to the specifications of the MD Δ5-ΗΛ/Γ/Φ1/οικ. 23278 ΦΕΚ 3108/23-11-2012.
CUHS with the decision Operator of Electricity Market (OEC) 2849/20.5.2013 is a registered Body of the Registry Operators Certification, Verification and Inspection of Operator of Electricity Market (OEC) Α.Ε..
For more information, please be informed from the following documents: