The NTUA research team comprises two sub-teams, the Lab. of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants (LSBTP) of the Mechanical Engineering School and the Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena Laboratory (TTPL) of the Chemical Engineering School. LSBTP/NTUA ( has been working for over 20 years on the examination of combustion process phenomena, the testing and checking of heating systems for their efficiency and exhaust gas quality, the development of new and clean coal technologies and combustion systems, the formation of pollutants and the technologies for their reduction, the utilisation of alternative fuel sources, such as biomass and wastes, the computational simulation of flow fields, heat transfer and combustion phenomena and energy saving from Thermal Power Plants. The research team of LSBTP has vast experience in combustion modelling both in developing its own built codes for the simulation of heat transfer processes, pollutants formation, two phase flows and natural gas combustion and in using - since 1990 - the FLOREAN code. The Laboratory is also active in the areas of process simulation and the development of advanced cycles for power production. Nowadays, the thermodynamic analysis and optimisation of energy systems in order to secure electricity generation at high efficiency rates, i.e. fuel cells, or reduce/sequester CO2 emission, are among the main priorities of LSBTP. Improvement of brown coal combustion and techniques to enhance the low quality characteristics of Greek lignite are the main aims of the close collaboration with the Public Power Corporation of Greece.
Following his predecessor, Professor Nicolaos Papageorgiou, Professor Emmanuel Kakaras heads since 1993 the activities of the Laboratory. The laboratory has been active in the field of technological aspects concerning the reduction of CO2 emissions from the power sector for the past decade. It has been involved in the evaluation of carbon capture technologies focusing on the advanced utilization of domestic lignite sources in both new and existing power plants and during the last years has been involved in several important EU-funded FP6, FP7 and RFCS projects related to CCS technologies, as well as industrial projects, such as Enhanced Capture of CO2 (ENCAP - Integrated Project EC FP6), CO2 from capture to Storage (CASTOR - Integrated Project FP6), Innovative In Situ CO2 Capture Technology for Solid Fuel Gasification (FP6 project), Upgrading of High Moisture Low-Rank Coal to Hydrogen and Methane (C2H - RFCS project), Development and Experimental validation of a Mathematical Modelling Methodology for Oxy-Fuel Combustion for CO2 Capture (OxyMod - RFCS project), Carbon Dioxide Capture and Hydrogen Production from Gaseous Fuels (CACHET - Integrated Project FP6), Development of Advanced Large Scale Low NOx Oxy-Fuel Burner for PF Combustion (OxyBurner - RFCS project), CACHET-II (FP7 project) etc.